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Analysis-Central Europe’s shoppers still shell-shocked even as inflation ebbs

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When a $500 Electrolux oven briefly went on sale for 1% of its list price in Hungary last week, within hours shoppers flooded the online store with thousands of orders. “We expect weak consumer sentiment to persist in the European market in 2024 as consumers opt for lower prices and delay non-essential or occasional expenditure,”… Read More »Analysis-Central Europe’s shoppers still shell-shocked even as inflation ebbs

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French actresses denounce abuse by directors when they were teenagers in new #MeToo step

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  • 1 min read

As French cinema basks in Oscars Academy Awards attention, actresses who allege they were teenage victims of sexual and physical abuse by directors decades older than them are shining the light on the repulsive underside of the country’s industry. The latest step in the #MeToo movement could come at the French cinema awards on Friday.… Read More »French actresses denounce abuse by directors when they were teenagers in new #MeToo step