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A swap for Navalny was in the final stages before the opposition leader’s death, an associate says

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Associates of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny said Monday that talks were underway shortly before his death to exchange him for a Russian imprisoned in Germany. According to Pevchikh, Navalny and two U.S. citizens held in Russia were supposed to be swapped for Vadim Krasikov. He was serving a life sentence in Germany for the… Read More »A swap for Navalny was in the final stages before the opposition leader’s death, an associate says

Editorial Roundup: Ohio

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Toledo Blade. February 21, 2024. Editorial: Confront gun culture The change in political leadership in Michigan has allowed that state to take action to restrict gun ownership to those who […]

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Explainer-Can Ukraine supporters force a US House vote on foreign aid?

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If U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson refuses to allow a vote on the $95 billion foreign security aid bill passed by the Senate, its supporters may turn to rarely used and complicated procedural tools to try to force a vote. So far, House Democrats – and Republicans who back the foreign aid package… Read More »Explainer-Can Ukraine supporters force a US House vote on foreign aid?

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‘Chaotic’ US Congress faces whirlwind of shutdown, impeachment, border fights

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The U.S. Congress lurches into a new week of political chaos on Monday, as lawmakers struggle to avoid a partial government shutdown in just five days, while pushing for an election-year trial of President Joe Biden’s top border official. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is also grasping for a way forward on vital U.S. aid… Read More »‘Chaotic’ US Congress faces whirlwind of shutdown, impeachment, border fights

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UK retailers report sales slump eased in February, CBI says

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The pace of a sales decline for British retailers eased in February and a measure of inflation dropped to its weakest in nearly three years, according to industry figures which echoed official data published earlier this month. The Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) monthly retail sales balance, a gauge of sales versus a year ago,… Read More »UK retailers report sales slump eased in February, CBI says