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Jair Bolsonaro is under investigation in Brazil for allegedly harassing a whale off Sao Paulo

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Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is under investigation for having allegedly “harassed” a humpback whale while riding a personal watercraft off Sao Paulo’s coast last year. Bolsonaro appeared at the federal police in Sao Paulo on Tuesday to meet with officers, along with his lawyer and former adviser who was also present at the time… Read More »Jair Bolsonaro is under investigation in Brazil for allegedly harassing a whale off Sao Paulo

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‘Kremlin Leaks’: Files detail Putin’s €1 billion propaganda effort ahead of presidential vote

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Leaked documents describe the Kremlin’s concerted efforts to influence public opinion – using cinema, streaming series and TV programmes – to promote a narrative of Russian heroism, traditional values and loyalty towards President Vladimir Putin ahead of his March 15-17 bid for re-election. Internal Kremlin documents obtained by the Estonian news website Delfi revealed the… Read More »‘Kremlin Leaks’: Files detail Putin’s €1 billion propaganda effort ahead of presidential vote