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Teen suspect in stabbing of Jewish man in Zurich expressed solidarity with Islamic State group

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Swiss police say the 15-year-old suspect in the stabbing of an Orthodox Jewish man in Zurich over the weekend had appeared in a video expressing solidarity with the banned Islamic State group, and called himself a “soldier” in its self-described caliphate. Zurich cantonal police security chief Mario Fehr told reporters Monday that authorities were investigating… Read More »Teen suspect in stabbing of Jewish man in Zurich expressed solidarity with Islamic State group

More housing coming for UofG students

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The University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus took a big step toward its goal of providing more housing for students, thanks to a partnership with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Council approved the campus’ request in the consent agenda at its February 26 meeting to access $500,000 from the Strategic Development Reserve for the research, planning and… Read More »More housing coming for UofG students

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Israel says UN trying to keep quiet on report about Hamas sexual attacks

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Israel’s foreign minister said on Monday he has recalled the country’s UN ambassador for consultation over alleged UN attempts to keep quiet a report on sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas. “I ordered our ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, to return to Israel for immediate consultations regarding the attempt to keep quiet the serious UN… Read More »Israel says UN trying to keep quiet on report about Hamas sexual attacks